how to become an ascended master

It is also interesting to know that while these Great beings dedicate all their hearts and souls to help us ascend, they also keep studying and expanding their consciousness to continue to evolve, even after their ascension. Free Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master CoursePublished 3/2023MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHzLanguage: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10mLearn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended MastersFree Download What you'll learnWho Are The Ascended To help you with MANIFEST and LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! It is no wonder in the mythology of the ancients that their activities have been brought down to us in the guise of myth and fable. Each Ray has all the Attributes of the Godhead within It, and no imperfection can ever enter into or register upon It. They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled their Dharma (Divine Plan). WebWelcome to Open Your Reality. Zweig, Paul. These great initiates left their mark on humanity by transcending their physicality and merging with the Source, or God. 4 ebook; Hardcover Editions of My Books All 6 of Them ), who may or may not be consciously aware of it but may have earned a place amongst the Masters to help anchor the Divine plan on Earth. [79], K. Paul Johnson suggests in his book The Masters Revealed: Madam Blavatsky and Myth of the Great White Brotherhood that the Masters that Madam Blavatsky claimed she had personally met are idealizations of certain people she had met during her lifetime. However, Mahatmas and Ascended Masters are believed by some to differ in certain respects. By searching the title, publisher, or authors of guide you in point of fact want, you can discover them rapidly. The name Great White Brotherhood has nothing to do with skin color or race but is a reference to the pure white light that emanates from these beings. Web35 views, 3 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Chiesa-SantaFamiglia-Orzinuovi: S. MESSA IV DOMENICA T. O. [74] She did, however, describe them as being from all cultures and races, such as the "Greek gentleman" known as Hilarion. The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Master Moses However, if you want the other 19 gears, here are some ideas to get you fired up ( just make sure youre pointing in the right direction first ) [54], Sanat Kumara was mentioned briefly by the theosophist Helena Blavatsky. In a letter Blavatsky explained: The Masters would not stoop for one moment to give a thought to individual, private matters relating but to one or even ten persons, their welfare, woes and blisses in this world of Maya [illusion], to nothing except questions of really universal importance. She is a Land of Light, and Her Light shall blaze forth, brilliant as the sun at noonday, among the nations of the Earth. Both "mahatma" and "ascended master" are terms used in the Ascended Master Teachings. This concept was developed by both C.W. Blavatsky wrote that "Occultism is not . WebDo you know that you have an invaluable built-in dream team that wants to help guide you to your highest life calling? However, the Mahatma K.H. Adherents believe that Saint Germain explained the following through Guy Ballard: "The 'Almighty God Flame,' breathing within Itself, projects Two Rays into the 'Great Sea of Pure Electronic Light.' The Great White Lodge is part of the spiritual hierarchy, perfectly and harmoniously organized as ever-increasing levels of consciousness. She handled me my Namibian crystal and I knew that it was just waiting for me. The "Violet Fire" is held to be a raising, transforming, purifying action of "Divine Love" from the "Heart of God" in the "Great Central Sun". [73] Various people have said they have received messages from these beings, including most notably Helena Blavatsky (Theosophy), Aleister Crowley (Thelema), Alice Bailey (New Group of World Servers), Guy Ballard ("I AM" Activity), Geraldine Innocente (The Bridge to Freedom), Mark L. Prophet & Elizabeth Clare Prophet (Church Universal and Triumphant) and Benjamin Creme (Share International). Read on to discover who the Ascended Masters are, their role, how they come into existence, and much more about these glorious beings. "[31] Sunny had experimented with the form of the Coffer a lot in the past six months. Most of us have heard of the legendary 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as formulated by Steven Covey in 1989. Also called the "Flame of Transmutation", the "Flame of Mercy", the "Flame of Freedom", and the "Flame of Forgiveness". These celestial beings also go through a series of spiritual transformations before finally transcending the limitations of humanity to live divinely in a God-like presence. Free Download What you'll learn [16], "Only the Self-conscious Individual has ALL the Attributes and Creative Power of the 'Mighty I AM Presence.' WebHOW TO BECOME AN ASCENDED MASTER NOW I had the pleasure of meeting Amorah Quan Yin during my stay in Shasta. There is always an uninterrupted "Oneness" that is maintained with the "Allness" of God. Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1998. WebBEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND is habit number two from Steven Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The Great White Brotherhood is highly structured and organized into many different councils with specific goals and tasks; all focused on raising humanitys frequency. I have it with me ever since. Later on many other organizations, especially in the United States, developed the concept of Ascended Masters, which departs from the theosophical one in several aspects. The Ascension into Immortality through reunion with the God Self requires the consuming of at least 51% of the records and memories of "negatively qualified karma" as well as:[citation needed], It is believed that the "Individualized Flames of Perfection", emanating as lifestreams taking physical embodiment, can develop further attributes that express a unique Identity, and attain the fullness of the use of Light. This Tuesday, we continue our exploration of Steven Coveys famous 7 habits as seen through the lens of the ascended masters teachings. From Theosophical texts and many other channels I came across, there are known as the seven rays of light. [30] This Divine Being and Mind is considered to be above and distinct from all creation (in the sense of classical theism), transcending all creation yet interpenetrating all existence. [73], The Masters are collectively called the "Great White Brotherhood" by various theosophists and esotericists. "Within the 'Pure God-Flame' is a Breath that pulsates constantly. We all have heard about the ascension of Jesus or some other great Initiates throughout history. Therefore, you will have to ask him. In this complete guide, we are going to explain everything you need to know about this term. We share sacred initiations led by these extraordinary beings, to help you reconnect with your soul gifts and highest mission, and much, much more. There are real ascended masters and since the dark cannot create, they copied what is real and twisted it. They truly do have information that will support, guide, and assist in the quickening of ascension for the Earth and humanity. The more informed we are, the quicker we can learn how to shift out of this reality. Some of the Ascended Masters may even be students from greater cosmic beings in the spiritual hierarchy, with a higher level of consciousness, to continue their spiritual growth in the celestial realms. In all, 3,834 claimed Dictations from the Masters were received through Guy and Edna Ballard. As a result, you can turn to the Ascended Masters for guidance and healing. . They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled their Dharma (divine plan). WebThe [Mendacious Coffer] enchantment allowed it to mimic the form of any inanimate object, but was limited by Sunny's core capacity. For example, K.H. Luk (pen-name of Alice Beulah Schutz) (April 10, 1905 - Jan. 14, 1994), the Saint Germain Series published by the Saint Germain Press (The Saint Germain Foundation), and especially from "The Lost Years of Jesus" compiled by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and published by The Summit Lighthouse. [citation needed], The concept of Initiation is also recognized in the Ascended Master Teachings, a group of religions based on Theosophy. Besides assisting humans in accomplishing this goal, their earthly mission is to serve as teachers of the human race. Similar to working with other celestial beings like guardian angels and archangels, Ascended Masters offer their assistance to anyone who asks. When Ascended Masters are entirely free from negative karma, they can choose how and where they want to operate and serve the world. WebThese are qualities of mastery we all hope to develop. The Master Jesus is regarded by Theosophists, was regarded by Alice Bailey and was later regarded by students of the "Ascended Master Teachings" as the Master of the Sixth Ray. Ascended Masters always know precisely what your being needs at every given moment to grow or heal, and they are always ready to share their immense wisdom, guidance, and healing gifts with us. Ascended Masters possess vast knowledge and have mastered the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of life. To understand who the Ascended Masters are and where they come from, there are a few spiritual concepts and terms that you should be familiar with first. When one individualizes within the Absolute, All-Pervading Life he chooses of his own free will to become an intensified individual focus of Self-Conscious Intelligence. The Aquarian Christine Church actively promotes Ascended Master Teachings and shares many beliefs in common with the I AM Movement, White Eagle Lodge and New Thought and Theosophical groups. Astarte (Ishtar) Astrea Feminine Elohim of the Fifth Ray. . Learning what is an Ascended Master [3], Adherents of the Ascended Master Teachings hold that this belief was partially released by the Theosophical Society beginning in 1875, by C.W. It says that real happiness comes only as an unsought by-product of reducing rather than increasing our attachment and identification with the personal. Those Addresses (known as "Dictations") were delivered before gatherings of members in Conclaves held throughout the United States of America, published in the monthly periodical, The Voice of The "I AM", and some were collected and reprinted in the books of The Saint Germain Series. [4][5] However, theosophists maintain that the concept of ascended master is an exaggeration and corruption of the more modest theosophical concept of "Master of the Ancient Wisdom". Todays topic is who are the ascended masters? can give us a better understanding of the spiritual hierarchy that makes our world evolve and the tremendous help they can provide to ease our path. They wield Tremendous God Power at all times because they hold with unwavering determination to the Great God Presence and hence all Power is given unto them for they are All-Perfection. Those supposed Addresses (known as "Dictations") were delivered before gatherings of members in Conclaves held throughout the United States of America, and published in the monthly periodical The Voice of The "I AM", and some were collected and reprinted in the "green books" of The Saint Germain Series. Some may take another path in our vast universe. Maitreya or Lord Maitreya is described in Theosophical literature of the late 19th-century and subsequent periods as an advanced spiritual entity and high-ranking member of a hidden Spiritual Hierarchy, the so-called Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. WebAriel Feminine Archangel. The Voice of the I AM states "All Life is One" [29] and that there is "One Substance, One Energy, One Power, One Intelligence" as the Source of all consciousness and creation. Ascended masters in the Ascended Master Teachings of a number of movements in the theosophical tradition[1] are held to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a series of spiritual transformations originally called initiations. However, it is at the sixth initiation when Ascended Masters go into ascension to regain union with their God presence or Mighty I AM state. "[70] According to Alice Bailey, Initiation is the "process of undergoing an expansion [toward higher levels] of consciousness"[71] It is believed by Theosophists that all souls that have reached the fourth level of initiation and evolved beyond the necessity to reincarnate. He is the chooser of his own field of expression. [6], Guy Ballard said his work Unveiled Mysteries was dictated to him by the ascended master St. The Individualized Flame sends down into each Ray a Focal Point, or Spark, forming a Heart Center upon which gathers the 'Electronic Light Substance,' creating the Electronic Body."[4]. An an Ascended Master is a free soul; one who has completed his spiritual evolution and escaped from the wheel of reincarnation and the law of karma. This leaves room to detach the Ascended Masters from the limitations. [citation needed], According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the Prophet of the Church Universal and Triumphant, the largest Ascended Master Teachings religion, the Master Jesus incarnated twice as the Emperor of Atlantis, once in 33,050 BC and again in 15,000 BC. Those who do not elect to become pratyeka buddhas and go directly into Spiritual Hierarchy governing nirvana, gradually evolving upward through all of these six higher levels of consciousness over thousands or millions of years, and later over billions or trillions of years, with other higher levels beyond. All Life contains Will but only Self-Conscious Life is free to determine upon its own course of expression. This becomes the Cosmic Activity of the Power of the 'Three times Three'. [76] Examples of those believed to be Ascended Masters by these organizations are: Jesus, Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Maitreya, Confucius, Lord Lanto (Confucius' historical mentor), Mary (mother of Jesus), Lady Master Nada, Enoch, Kwan Yin, Saint Germain, and Koot Hoomi (Kuthumi), to name but a few. This spiritual fraternitys primary goal is to raise humanitys consciousness in various ways. This Intelligent Light-substance becomes the clothing, as it were, for these Rays of the 'Mighty I AM Presence.' The greater portion of the land of North America will stand for a very long time. But to understand what is an Ascended Master, we must first learn about the Ascension process. Whatever one believes, Saint [citation needed], Initiation is a concept in Theosophy that there are nine levels of spiritual development that beings who live on Earth can progress upward through. The first mention of Maitreya in a Theosophical context occurs in the 1883 work Esoteric Buddhism by Alfred Percy Sinnett (18401921), an early Theosophical writer. WebThe Ascended Master Teachings The I AM Presence - The God Presence We have an individualized Presence of God - the Mighty I AM Presence - as part of our very Nature and Being. Blavatsky described many of the Masters as ethnically Tibetan or Indian (Hindu), not European. To make our ascension, we must become God-like. The Theosophical Maitreya has been assimilated or appropriated by a variety of quasi-theosophical and non-theosophical New Age and Esoteric groups and movements. WebWhat is an ascended master? [56], Sanat Kumara gained greater prominence when her follower Charles W. Leadbeater wrote that Sanat Kumara was the "King" or Lord of the World, and the head of the Great White Brotherhood of Mahatmas who had revealed the principles of theosophy. [citation needed]. WebAscended Masters are believed to be individuals who have lived in physical bodies, acquired the Wisdom and Mastery needed to become Immortal and Free of the cycles of "re-embodiment" and karma, and who have attained "Ascension". In Leadbeater's book, The Masters and the Path (1925), the Masters are presented as human beings full of wisdom and compassion, albeit still limited by human bodies, which they choose to retain in order to keep in touch with humanity and help in its evolution. wrote: If we had the powers of the imaginary Personal God, and the universal and immutable laws were but toys to play with, then indeed might we have created conditions that would have turned this earth into an Arcadia for lofty souls. WebThe meaning of Ascended Masters is to become God-like, deepen their level of wisdom to reach a higher level, and help people. How Do Ascended Masters Come Into Existence? The concepts described by Sinnett were amended, elaborated on, and greatly expanded in The Secret Doctrine, a book originally published 1888. [80], Also see the article Talking to the Dead and Other Amusements by Paul Zweig, New York Times October 5, 1980, which speculates that Madame Blavatsky's revelations were fraudulent. Free Download What you'll learn Leadbeater and Alice Bailey beginning in the 1920s. agreed with this when he wrote: "Wethe criticized and misunderstood Brotherswe seek to bring men to sacrifice their personalitya passing flashfor the welfare of the whole humanity. However, they differ in important aspects, and developed differently. You can call on them for assistance and guidance to overcome the struggles of daily life. Millions of Ascended beings have graduated from Earth school and have gained mastery over the material world. Webbecome ascended masters. refers to the idea disparagingly in one of his letters to Sinnett: There was but one hysterical woman alleged to have been present at the pretended ascension, and the phenomenon has never been corroborated by repetition.[59]. No copyright infringement here, this text is NOT mine. by asking questions and receiving answers in a process called the Torus technique. Web35 views, 3 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Chiesa-SantaFamiglia-Orzinuovi: S. MESSA IV DOMENICA T. O. As we do, we realize that the first person we must master is our selfby learning and applying the ascended masters specific equations for self-mastery. Proponents of the Ascended Masters sometimes attempt to account for these discrepancies by claiming that when the Theosophical Society (TS) was founded most of the Theosophical Mahatmas were still "unascended Masters". Within The "I AM" Activity, contact and cooperation with the Ascended Masters became a central part of each member's life. Mysterious Endings and the Legacy of the Violet Flame. The brotherhood also includes students that have not ascended yet (probably you or me? It is but the vehicle through which Perfection should be expressed into the outer substance of the Universe. According to Prophet, Jesus became World Teacher, along with Kuthumi, on January 1, 1956, succeeding Maitreya, who took the Office of "Planetary Buddha" and "Cosmic Christ". That means honorable actions beget good karma, and evil intentions result in bad karma. Maitri is Sanskrit for "loving kindness." [42][43] This belief is not accepted by adherents of traditional Theosophy and the followers of Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme - they believe that the Master Jesus is still the Chohan of the Sixth Ray and that Maitreya is still the World Teacher. Belief in this "One God" stresses the essential unity of the spiritual and material components of the universe. the pursuit of happiness as man understands the word; for the first step is sacrifice, the second renunciation. That means they can help an infinite number of people since their energies are omnipresent. Reincarnation goes hand in hand with ascension. "[66] During the early times of the Theosophical Society, some members, misunderstanding the nature of the Mahatmas, would bring HPB some personal requests to ask of them. Germain. This knowledge transfer is sometimes said to occur through Maitreya occasionally manifesting or incarnating in the physical realm, then assuming the role of World Teacher of Mankind. WebBEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND is habit number two from Steven Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. "[31], "Within the Life of every human being is the Power by which he can express all that the Ascended Masters express every moment if he but chooses to do so. When man will make the effort to prove this to himself or within his own atomic flesh body, he will then proceed to Master Himself. The Masters of the Wisdom are not like the Ascended ones, who are said to become Godlike, all-powerful beings beyond the laws of nature. In all, 3,834 Dictations from the Masters were received through Guy and Edna Ballard. WebThese are qualities of mastery we all hope to develop. In the course of this series, focused on key principles that form the foundation of self-mastery, [13], After Blavatsky's death in 1891, the concept of the Mahatmas was developed by her successors in the Theosophical Society leadership, Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater, who described them in great detail and added Master Jesus and Maitreya. So here we will share some knowledge about who they really are, and how they help humanity. Through the outpouring of their luminous essence and divine love, the Ascended Masters are able to help anyone who comes under their care and direction. [15], Originally presented by Helena P. Blavatsky in the 1870s, the idea of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or Mahatmas was adopted by people who at some point had had a connection with the Theosophical movement, such as Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, and Manly P. Hall. 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