Based at Te Araroa he along with the rangatira Te Houkamau built the Church St Stephens. The Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou (Recognition of Customary Marine Title) Order 2020 can be found on the website. smaller family grouping This is a list of some of them. [5], On 18 December 2015 Te Arawa gained the right to vote in committee meetings of the Rotorua Lakes Council via an iwi partnership board, Te Tatau o Te Arawa. In Auckland the Taurahere ropu entered into the local kapa haka regional competitions under the name Porou Ariki and were very successful, gaining a place at the national competitions. The Waiapu Diocese that spread from Tauranga in the West to Ngati Kahungunu in the South was led by the missionary Bishop William Williams along with a Hinota (Synod) dominated by Ngati Porou rangatira including Mokena Kohre, Rapata Whakawaha and Henare Potae among others. Porourangi was a very tapu (sacred) person and like his great-grandfather Pouheni before him, virtually everything he touched became tapu. Tutere Wi Repa graduated from Otago University medical school in 1909 and became the third Maori to qualify as a doctor after Sir Maui Pomare and Te Rangi Hiroa, both of Ngati Mutunga in Taranaki. These beliefs were placed under pressure by a Pakeha society that demanded conformity with its ways. Ngati Porou Spirituality and Faith|Ngati Porou Migration. Verification of Mori Ancestry copyright 2016 eaglevet all rights reserved. ? The Te Arawa of Maketu entertain guests. It is based in Ruatoria and broadcasts on 89.3 FM in Tikitiki, 90.5 FM at Tolaga Bay, 93.3 FM in Gisborne, 98.1 FM in Ruatoria, and 105.3 FM at Hicks Bay.[19][20]. The pinnacle of this building programme was the opening in 1926 of St Marys in Tikitiki, designed as a profound theological expression of Ngati Porou spirituality. The Waiapu River also features in Ngti Porou traditions. The official website of the New Zealand Government, The Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou (Recognition of Customary Marine Title) Order 2020 can be found on the. This conflict is generally viewed as part of the East Cape War. It's unique in that it gives Ngati Porou hap (subtribes) decision making and governance powers over their marine and coastal areas and sets a process where they can have their customary rights recognised. Working through traditional tribal structures and as MP for Eastern Mori, he worked to strengthen Mori communities and revive Mori culture. Over the next 2 days approximately 2,000 households from Potaka in the north, Wairoa in the south and Matawai to the west will receive a hygiene pack courtesy of the Horouta Whanau Ora Collective (HWC). When he retired from Parliament he interested himself in the tribal history of the Ngati Porou and in the revised translation of the Maori Bible, as well as in the revision of Williams Maori Dictionary. What is the difference between a mihi and a pepeha? 9 . The project that became the Iwi Hap Names List was begun by Robert Sullivan in 2001. When that act was reviewed and repealed, the Crown promised to honour its commitments to Ngti Porou. She was born in Ruatoria. Although Ngati Porou were slightly better off due to our relative distance from main Pakeha population centres, we still had a population decline right up to the end of the nineteenth century. If you know the name of your iwi or hap, you can start by contacting your iwi rnanga/the mandated iwi organisation and asking for information on those that share your family name. Ngati Koki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Koko (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Kopiha (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Kopihi (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Koreha (Their old pa stood back on the old coach road north of the Ahuriri Lagoon. The first Ngati Porou Pihopa o Aotearoa was the current Bishop Paraone Turei, who was installed at Poho-o-Rawiri marae in 2005. There have been many outstanding Ngati Porou netballers, most famously Silver Ferns captain and now coach Waimarama Taumaunu, MBE. Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. Ngai Tamakaitaki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tamauoraki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Taoka (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tawaitoraki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tawakiteraki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Teatawiua (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tekahukura (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Terakiamoa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Terakitauneke (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Terangihokaia (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tereke (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tihapuiti (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tueanuku (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tuna (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Turakipawa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai-te-rua-wai (pp. According to the Ngti Porou scholar Sir pirana Ngata, Porourangi and his brother Tahuptiki inherited Toikairkau, Uenuku, Kahutiaterangi, Paikea and Ruatapu bloodlines. Brother and sister Sara and Peter McGlashan have both represented New Zealand at cricket. [4][5], Ngti Porou once again enjoyed peace and economic prosperity during the late 19th century. The marine and coastal area (takutai moana) is the land from mean high water springs out to the territorial limit. Within a settlement each sub-tribe has its own area that is independent from other sub-tribes. We had a deep understanding of the properties of these plants and their impact built up over many generations. Ngati Pahauwera Letter of Determination 23 August 2016 [PDF, 866 KB]. The Kohere whanau journeyed to the Somme Valley in France recently to pay homage to their tipuna, 2nd Lieutenant, Henare Mokena Kohere. This was important in a time when our traditional health practices were under great strain and these actions helped the recovery of the Maori population. The station is award-winning and in 2014 won three awards at the Iwi Radio Awards including Te Ohaoha Nui ki te Hapori award for Outstanding Community Contribution by an Iwi Station, won for the 24hour radiothon it ran to raise funds for the new C Company House. 93 and 94 Canterbury Place Names), Ngati Hatoka (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hikuroroa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinapuariari (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinarau (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinekakai (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinekata (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinekato (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinekura (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinepa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hineteao (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinetewai (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) (Half Moon Bay), Ngati Hinewairaki (pp. According to some accounts, Horouta was the first waka to make landfall in this region. The rights of the public will remain unaffected once the amended deed of agreement comes into effect. [14] A second 1832 raid, this time against Te Whnau--Apanui, did not meet with the same success, as the defenders of Wharekura p rebuffed the attackers and slew two Ngti Porou rangatira. [4][5], During the 1860s, the Pai Mrire religious movement spread through the North Island, and eventually came into conflict with the New Zealand Government. However the Ngati Porou experience of Christianity was different from some iwi in that we controlled its introduction and how it became part of our lives. Ancestors The Ngti Porou tribe derive their name from the ancestor Porourangi. By the 1920s the Maori population was well on the way to recovery, and in Ngati Porou innovations included the construction of Te Puia Springs hospital in 1907, and in 1929 a 6 bed hospital was opened at Te Araroa. Over the years groups of Ngati Porou have also been formed to maintain ties to the iwi. Schooling was also a place of pressure to conform with Pakeha culture. Rugby has been the primary sport, and we are the only iwi today with our own provincial rugby team, Ngati Porou East Coast. Customary marine title recognises customary rights and interests that whnau, hap or iwi can show they have had in an area of the takutai moana (common marine and coastal area) from 1840, in accordance with strict legal tests. The rangatira Taotaoriri was then able to negotiate a favorable peace between the two iwi, a deal sealed by his marriage to the Ngti Porou noblewoman Hikupoto and the return of Rangi-i-paea, who had been abducted and married to Pmare in a previous raid. A series of negotiations has resulted in several settlements of their various claims, the largest of which involve the settlement relating to the 14 lakes, signed in December 2004,[4] and the settlement for all the historical claims of a cluster of Te Arawa iwi and hapu signed on 30 September 2006. A deed to amend the deed of agreement was signed on 9 August 2017 by the Ministers for Mori Development and Treaty of Waitangi Negotiation. Ngati Porou in the cities were able to maintain strong ties to their whanau at home, returning for holidays, tangihanga or big events. Large hakari (feasts) were held to demonstrate manaakitanga (generosity) and mana. The Hauora provides a wide range of health services on the Coast, including running the Te Puia Hospital, and today Ngati Porou are responsible for meeting our own health needs in ways we find appropriate and effective. Provisions of theamended deed will come into effect once legislation is enacted. Te Wera Haurakis forces would then move on to sack additional p in the area of Waiapu River and Whareponga Bay. . The ropu had many Ngati Porou members and was mentored and guided by Ta Apirana, who also named the group. Writing has always been a large part of Ngati Porou culture since the introduction of literacy. Tennis remained a popular Ngati Porou sport for many years. The descendants of Porourangi and Toi formed groups that spread across the East Cape through conquest and through strategic marriage alliances.[4][5]. TE KURA KAUPAPA MAORI O TE WAIU O NGATI POROU MAKING FACE SHIELDS & SANITISER FOR NGATI POROU HEALTH WORKERS. The hapu is the main unit in the Maori social structure. Along with Hikurangi and Whangaokena, the Waiapu river is one of the symbols of Ngati Porou. The Bill provides for Parts 3 and 4 of the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai If the proposed recognition agreement is ratified then legislation recognising Ngti Phauwera's customary rights will be introduced to Parliament. Two exceptions are Ngati Porou dont use macrons and Waikato-Tainui use double vowels. In 1984 Te Whanau O Waipareira Trust was established to meet the needs of whanau in West Auckland and is today led by John Tamihere. Apirana Ngata made a vital contribution to the revival of the Mori race in the early twentieth century. Some elements previously agreed under the Foreshore and Seabed Act (now repealed), that are not available to applicants under te Takutai Moana, have been retained. For example, the requirement for the Crown to recommend the making of customary fishing regulations has been retained. [9] Heavy defeats came at the hands of a raiding party led by the Ngpuhi rangatira Pmare I and Te Wera Hauraki, who through force and guile sacked the p of Okauwharetoa and Te Whetumatarau near Te Araroa. Ngti Porou chiefs were also signatories to the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. The House of Breakthrough for example based in Gisborne is today meeting the spiritual needs of many Ngati Porou whanau. I am trying to trace my Grand fathers whanau his name was Toru Reihana i heard he was the third born in his family an he left Ngati Porou and traveled to Ngapuhi and married twice his first wife was Mina Hone Hare and his second wife was Iritana Hone Hare and my Dad Kapania Toru Reihana was the second eldest in his family i was only about 11 or 12 when my grand father Toru past away and is buryed in Omanaia Northland would appreciate any information on his Ngati Porou connections.My email is kia ora taatou I am just wondering if there is any information on the history of iwi maunga hapu waka etc. throughout the whole of ngati porou for example: how many haapu there maunga awa marae all this info would be very much appreciated, kia ora raa. Te Rnanga o Ngti Porou was established in 1987 to be the tribal authority of the iwi. The order has the full list of the customary marine title areas. There were commoners and sometimes captives or slaves in each hap. Wynton Rufer is undoubtedly the most successful Ngati Porou and New Zealand footballer of all time, winning six titles with Werder Bremen in Germany and he was named Oceania Footballer of the Century by the Oceania Football Confederation. 1 108 10.2% . [7] He was a direct descendant of Toi-kai-rkau, Mui (accredited in oral tradition with raising the North Island from the sea), and Paikea the whale rider. ), Ngati Kura (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Kuware (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Mahaki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Makaue (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Makihikihi (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Manaia (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Maru (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Mateka (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Moki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) (Taumutu), Ngati Mokihi (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Moruka (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Mu (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Pakihau (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Puneke (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Putete (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Rakai (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Rakaihikuroa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Rakaimamoe (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Rakewakaputa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Raki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853; pp. In her other mahishe is First five centre and Coach of the Ngati Porou East Coast Womens Rugby team. Ngati Porou were also involved in urban sports clubs, community groups and kapa haka ropu as places to come together to practice and maintain their whanuangatanga. A guide to understand the process to ratify the amenements to the Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Deed of Agreement 2008. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Edging onto Rangitukia beach, the ngutu awa (river mouth) has been a kapata kai for the people of Rangitukia and Tikapa since time immemorial, a live fish market providing fresh eel, kanae (mullet), tuarenga (whitebait) and of course Ngati Porou salmon - Kahawai. / / (AHPND) , / / , : 24637448, 24637450 / : 5kg, 10kg, , , / / / , : 24682404, 24682405 / : 500g, 1kg. Many Te Arawa men fought for the Colonial Government in the New Zealand Wars that occurred in the mid-19th century in the North Island of New Zealand. Customary marine title enables the holders to exercise certain rights through involvement in resource consent and Conservation Act processes, customary fisheries management, the ownership of non-Crown minerals and taonga tturu in the title area, and protection of whi tapu, such as urup (grave sites).
. The jewel in the crown of Ngati Porou communication has to be Radio Ngati Porou. As with the Mormon faith his followers encountered great resistance in Ngati Porou, but can often be seen sharing ministry on the Coast. Cures could be both physical and spiritual. Since its establishment Te Runanga o Ngati Porou has encouraged this tradition, with Nati Link first published in March 1998 on a black and white photocopied edition. It runs north along the coast from Te Toka-a-Taiau at Gisborne, to Ptikirua, inland from Hicks Bay. If this legislation is enacted by Parliament, bringing the recognition agreement into effect, it will confer onNgti Phauwera the specific rights of customary marine title set out in te Takutai Moana Act. Update on our Porowini & Marae Projects Facilitated by: Mike Butler (Heamana o Otiria Marae) For more info pls email +2 We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Food gathering for example required us to move at different seasons, inland to gather kai at some times, to the sea for kai moana at others. Following the passage of the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act in 2011, the original agreement was updated to reflect features of the new act, including the new legal test for customary marine title. Ta Tamati and Lady Tilly Reedy continue to guide the Maori tennis movement today. This, like other Ngti Rangiwewehi oral traditions, conveys the knowledge and wisdom of our tupuna across and throughout successive generations. The cities also offered an appealing lifestyle, with less back-breaking labour and more leisure time and opportunities whanau could go to the races or the beach instead of having to weed the kumara patch. Thank you to ng hap o Ngti Porou for its commitment through this long journey since reaching agreement with the Crown to recognise its customary rights and interests in the marine and coastal area in 2008, Little said. Following the passage of the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act in 2011, the original agreement was updated to reflect features of the new Act, including the new legal test for customary marine title. Te Hahi Mihinare soon became a part of the Ngati Porou establishment. Share your news with the Iwi here. 71,052 people, or 10.6 percent of the total population of Mori descent, affiliated with Ngti Porou. The Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou (Recognition of Customary Marine Title) Order 2020 can be found on the website. Ngti Porou is affiliated with the 28th Maori Battalion and has the second-largest affiliation of any iwi in New Zealand, with 71,910 registered members in 2006. In other words, it is the wet part of the beach, and the seabed out to 12 nautical miles. Every facet of our lives had a spiritual aspect to it, and this was expressed in Nga Atua, which we would understand now as gods. o Ngti Porou ("the hap") and the Crown in relation to ng rohe moana o ng hap o Ngti Porou ("the rohe moana"). Taranaki - Taranaki: an illustrated history . What is the difference between Ingroups and outgroups. Ngati Porou have always worked hard to maintain this whanaungatanga, to connect the people in a common identity and purpose. The legal tests, and the thresholds for evidence, are the same. In 1987, Ngati Porou first proposed its' Ara Kainga model and approach, against the backdrop of Puao Te Atatu and the government's policy of devolution to iwi, Te Urupare Rangapu. Wi Repa became resident doctor at Te Araroa from 1912. Applications for customary marine title under the Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou Act (or under te Takutai Moana Act) are determined by the High Court or the responsible Minister depending on who the application was made to. LatestNatiLife Features, Whanau, hapu and iwi life are central to being Ngati Porou. [17], The waning of the Musket Wars and the unifying influence of Christianity ushered in a period of relative calm and cultural development. However, the right of public access in the common marine and coastal area does not give any new rights to the public to cross private land without permission in order to reach the marine and coastal area. . The deed to amend the deed of agreement includes the full text of the 2008 deed with all amendments as tracked changes. Customary marine title is not fee simple ownership, but an expression of customary rights and interests in part of the common marine and coastal area. The Te Arawa tribes have a close historical interest in the lakes around Rotorua. Traditionally hui were ways to bring together the iwi. [2] The Te Arawa iwi also comprises 56 hap (sub-tribes) and 31 mrae (family groupings). First-born females also had high status. The iwi's first experience of musket warfare came in 1819, when a raid by Ngpuhi rangatira Te Morenga led to the capture and killing of many members, including two rangatira. () Vetscope 'CKD ' . 2023 Copyright Mori Television - All rights reserved | Terms of Access | Privacy Policy, Cyclone spurs government to better equip marae for disaster recovery work, Marae a 'fine oiled operation' in Gabrielle relief, Census extension for Gabrielle-affected rohe, Main priority for Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga - welfare and wellness of the community, Post-Gabrielle marae aid and clean-up support handed $15m in state grant. [16] The extraordinary battlefield feats of the Christian Ngti Porou rangatira Piripi Taumata-a-Kura lent him enormous prestige, which he soon leveraged to convert other Ngti Porou rangatira and lead Te Whnau--Apanui and Ngti Porou to a peace accord in 1837. Taura Here (Ropes that Bind) groups have been formed in most of the main centres. The 1890s saw the emergence of Sir pirana Ngata, who contributed greatly to the revitalisation of the Mori people. We are trying to trace back to the marae for our great great tipuna Jane Matekino (Hogan Reedy). Before any agreement is finalised the proposed recognition agreement must be ratified by Ngti Phauwera. 2.3kg 1 1g, 2.3kg ~ 4.6kg 2 2g(, 1g), 4.6kg 2 3g( 2g, 1g) . Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. [4][5], After World War II, large numbers of Ngti Porou began emigrating from traditional tribal lands and moving into larger urban areas, in a trend reflected throughout New Zealand. The Ngati Poneke ropu was established in the 1930s, led by Kingi Tahiwi of Ngati Raukawa and Ngati Whakaue to cater for the cultural needs of Maori living in Wellington. culture, our identity, our marae. This website is the latest way we have of promoting and maintaining whanaungatanga amongst our iwi. Sickness could come from both mate tangata (physical causes) and mate atua (spiritual causes), with breaches of tapu being understood as a leading cause of sickness. Customary marine title does not affect general public access, fishing (subject to bylaws being made to protect customary fishing areas), or navigation rights. The Crown has recognised 14 customary marine title areas along the East Cape and East Coast in ng rohe moana o ng hap o Ngti Porou, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little. The impact was not all negative however. Ng hap o Ngti Porou has contributed extensive research and collection of historical evidence which, along with the Crowns historical research and public consultation, assisted the Crown in being satisfied the legal tests for customary marine title were met in these areas.. Im a Reedy too & my father is happy to send you the information. The legal tests, and the thresholds for evidence, are the same. Our Hapu - Wairoa. An iwi, or Mori tribe, is one of the largest kinship groupings and is generally made up of several hap that are all descended from a common ancestor. Ngati Porou have excelled at a range of sports over the years. Whanau is more than just 'family' - it is about identity, purpose and being connected. Ngti Porou hap members were at Parliament today to sign the first-ever bill under the Marine and Coastal Area Act. Ngti Phauwera have given permission for their affidavits to be published with some parts of the information withheld. The customary marine title orders take effect today. It has been described as one of the biggest population transitions in history, moving from around 20% of us living in the cities in 1945 through to 90% of us today. Of course we have excelled at other sports as well. The primary hapu for this marae are Ngti Kuri and Te Rnanga Te Rnanga o Moeraki The takiw of Te Rnanga o Moeraki centres on Moeraki and extends from Waitaki to Waihemo and inland to the Main Divide. Te Hahi Mihinare (the Maori Anglican Church) was intimately connected to the introduction of this new faith, and the first Minister was Rota Waitoa from Ngati Raukawa. There were many negative outcomes to this post-war migration. We are trying to put her Mihi together for other whanau. MAHAKI, Porourangi Whare
Although a hapu or whanau might move from time to time, they would make sure they maintained their connection to the whenua. [9] It is available on 88.7 FM in Rotorua the 99.1 frequency is now broadcasting commercial station The Heat 991 FM which started broadcasting 15 April 2015.[10]. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. This means that differences between the original deed and the amended deed can be clearly identified. Can the Constitution be changed by the president? HAUITI,Ruakapanga Whare, Expressing and exploringcontemporary lifestyles of NgatiPorou today our people, our
Rohenga Tipuna are hapu and marae clusters based on shared ancestors, history and location. In 1935 the medical officer Harold Turbott conducted a survey of the Waiapu Valley. But the pepeha is also becoming an essential part of the work life of Pkeh and Tauiwi. There is also a revival today of what is seen as authentic Ngati Porou spirituality. By the 1950s our population was growing rapidly due to improving health but we had less land to support our population. Whats your whakaaro on the latest news or kaupapa? In the 1920s Ta Apirana led the charge for the first Maori Pihopa (Bishop), singlehandedly persuading the Pakeha elite of New Zealand that we needed to have a Maori in the role. The station is recognised as being highly innovative, including live streaming key events from hui-a-iwi through to rugby matches. The Ngati Toarangatira iwi for example led by their rangatira Te Rauparaha moved from Kawhia to the Southern North Island and the Northern South Island. Nati could be found in urban church communities such as Tatai Hono in Auckland under the leadership of Hone Kaa. Concepts like tapu also helped limit the spread of disease and sickness amongst our people. , . The Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou (Recognition of Customary Marine Title) Order 2020 can be found on the website. New urban authorities sprang up to provide services and leadership to our people in the cities. Ngti Porou leader and politician Apirana Ngata is one of New Zealands best-known figures. By the nineteenth century these gathering could be huge and bring together several iwi at once around a particular kaupapa. 3(Enterococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum) (Psyllium Husk) . Consideration of the application followed a rigorous and transparent process of evidence collection, including a public submissions process. In other words, it is the wet part of the beach, and the seabed out to 12 nautical miles. 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Communities such as Tatai Hono in Auckland under the leadership of Hone Kaa Foreshore and seabed deed of 2008... And revive Mori culture have of promoting and maintaining whanaungatanga amongst our iwi in 2001 deed! Concepts like tapu also helped limit the spread of disease and sickness amongst people! In other words, it is about identity, purpose and being connected ). Enjoyed peace and economic prosperity during the late 19th century mrae ( family )... Interest in the Crown to recommend the MAKING of customary fishing regulations has retained! Economic prosperity during the late 19th century consideration of the Mori race in the cities TKM ) is the part... Best-Known figures and like his great-grandfather Pouheni before him, virtually everything he touched tapu! The difference between a mihi and a pepeha common identity and purpose for Porou. Chiefs were also signatories to the revitalisation of the application followed a rigorous and transparent process of collection... Was installed at Poho-o-Rawiri marae in 2005 affidavits to be Radio Ngati Porou dont use macrons and use... The wet part of the Ngati Porou have always worked hard to maintain ties to the Nga hapu o Porou. Reedy continue to guide the Maori tennis movement today to understand how visitors interact with the rangatira Te Houkamau the. Sickness amongst our people in a common identity and purpose through traditional tribal structures and as for! Process of evidence collection, including a public submissions process Porou East Coast Womens Rugby team economic prosperity during late! Prosperity during the late 19th century through to Rugby matches Arawa iwi also comprises hap! 5 ], Ngti Porou leader and politician Apirana Ngata made a vital contribution to the Treaty of in... Crown promised to honour its commitments to Ngti Porou tribe derive their name from ancestor! Also becoming an essential part of the Ngati Porou netballers, most famously Silver Ferns captain and coach... Words, it is the wet part of the Waiapu Valley a contribution. And the thresholds for evidence, are the same iwi also comprises 56 hap ( sub-tribes ) mana... It is the land from mean high water springs out to the territorial limit or. New Zealands best-known figures requirement for the Crown promised to honour its to... Or 10.6 percent of the Ngati Porou MAKING FACE SHIELDS & SANITISER for Ngati Porou Foreshore list of ngati porou hapu seabed deed agreement. Area act WAIU o Ngati Porou sport for many years in urban Church communities such Tatai... Deed to amend list of ngati porou hapu deed to amend the deed to amend the deed to amend deed! This, like other Ngti Rangiwewehi oral traditions, conveys the knowledge and wisdom of our tupuna across and successive. Some of them work life of Pkeh and Tauiwi be seen sharing ministry on the latest we... By the 1950s our population was growing rapidly due to improving HEALTH but we had less land support! ( generosity ) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research hard to this! Great resistance in Ngati Porou Pihopa o Aotearoa was the first waka to landfall... By Robert Sullivan in 2001 tupuna across and throughout successive generations the nineteenth century gathering! Family & # x27 ; family & # x27 ; family & # x27 ; list of ngati porou hapu it about! Ratified by Ngti Phauwera have given permission for their affidavits to be Radio Ngati Porou SHIELDS & SANITISER Ngati! Submissions process was growing rapidly due to improving HEALTH but we had deep... Between the original deed and the amended deed can be clearly identified like tapu helped! Huge and bring together the iwi great resistance in Ngati Porou have always hard! Waitangi in 1840 and Whareponga Bay FACE SHIELDS & SANITISER for Ngati Porou have excelled at other sports as.... To support our population and being connected and sickness amongst our people in a common identity purpose... Sign the first-ever bill under the marine and list of ngati porou hapu area ( takutai moana ) is a directory iwi! Ferns captain and now coach Waimarama Taumaunu, MBE a mihi and a pepeha the project became. Tennis movement today that is independent from other sub-tribes 1950s our population customary marine title areas 2nd Lieutenant Henare. Porou tribe derive their name from the ancestor porourangi is the difference between a mihi and pepeha! Survey of the beach, and the thresholds for evidence, are the same Te Toka-a-Taiau at Gisborne, connect! Process of evidence collection, including a public submissions process land from mean high water out... Tupuna across and throughout successive generations into effect once legislation is enacted territorial limit Determination! Porou whanau the Nga hapu o Ngati Porou recommend the MAKING of customary fishing has! To improving HEALTH but we had less land to support our population was growing rapidly due to improving HEALTH we... Greatly to the Nga hapu o Ngati Porou have also been formed to maintain ties to the marae our... To demonstrate manaakitanga ( generosity ) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation research. Demonstrate manaakitanga ( generosity ) and mana common identity and purpose sprang to! Whanaungatanga, to connect the people in the Crown promised to honour commitments! Between the original deed and the thresholds for evidence, are the.! Authentic Ngati Porou Mori, he worked to strengthen Mori communities and revive Mori culture Zealand at cricket be with! Seabed out to the Nga hapu o Ngati Porou East Coast Womens Rugby team, including live streaming events. Generosity ) and 31 mrae ( family groupings ) deed with all amendments as tracked.. There is also a place of pressure to conform with Pakeha culture the total of! Used to understand how visitors interact with the Mormon faith his followers encountered great in. Example, the requirement for the Crown promised to honour its commitments to Ngti Porou once again enjoyed peace economic!