stfc officers that increase cargo size

Once you reach level 15 your station is open to attack by other players. You also need to have enough resources to pay the promotion cost. Make it So: Increase the effectiveness of all Officer Abilities that trigger in combat by 2x10%(^) This ability receives the same synergy bonus from all TNG Officers, regardless of class. These officers are hard to obtain. Overwhelming Fire - Javaid increases the Shield Piercing of the ship by 20%. Maximum value: 1000%, Five of Ten increases the Loot received from Hostiles by a percentage rank 1 Value: 20% Rank 5 Value: 100%, (Decius) Seven of Ten has a chance to add two shots to every weapon fire against Borg targets. 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If youve got Khan, it still makes sense to have him as captain, and not Kati. By rank 5, this officer increases cargo size by 60 percent. Icy Analyst - When fighting Interceptors, Mara increases the Weapon damage of the ship by 20%. Fresh Perspectives - Paul Zhou increases the Defense of all Officers on the bridge of the ship by 15%. This guide will cover many mining crews that can benefit beginners and advanced players. Motivational - Increases the Attack, Defense, and Health of all Officers on the Bridge by 20%. Complete Star Trek: Fleet Command Officer Guide, How to Get and Use Super Missiles in Metroid Prime Remastered. Enhanced Weaponry - When attacking a Station, Kati increases the Critical Hit Damage by 15%. If you don't own some of these officers, you can replace these with other rare officers. Doctor - Increases the Health of all Officers on the ship by 10%. At the same time, T'Pring will allow you to secure more cargo if you get attacked by a higher level. (PvE), Thorough Scans - T'Laan increases the Ship Experience gained by fighting Hostiles by 15%. Creating Opportunities - When the ship hits the opponent with a Critical Hit, Gorkon has a 70% chance of causing a Hull Breach for three rounds on the opponent's ship. Mining is not the most efficient way to get Dilithium. Fake Communiques - At the beginning of each round, Vixis has a 6% chance of delaying the opponent Weapon Fire by one round. Increases to 30% at Rank 5. Reinforcements - If the ship is a Battleship, Javaid increases its Armor by 15%. Hail of Fire - At the start of each round, if the target of the ship is a Defense Platform, Kati increases the Chances of a Critical Hit by 4% for that round. Tactician - Increases the Weapon Damage of the ship by 8%. Stfc officers that increase cargo size naturalization ceremony locations and schedule 2022 houston python multiprocessing large text file convert byte to image online pepe emoji gif Though a full-fledged officer with commendations for service in both the sciences and in engineering, Gaila still looks upon her time in the academy most fondly. First Ill be going over their in-game abilities and uses, and then a bit at the end where Ill be going over their origins and trivia. Q: How can I increase cargo and protected cargo capacity?A: Stonn as officer increases cargo capacity. 3D Strategist When fighting players, at the start of each turn, so long as the ship has Morale, Kirk increases the damage of energy weapons by 50% of the total Defense of all the officers on the ship on a cumulative basis. Adaptive Shielding - The ship mitigates 5% more damage to the Shield Health instead of the Hull Health. See the Flaws - Every time the ship strikes the opponent, Nero has a 25% chance of Burning it for two rounds. Cry Havoc - As long as the opponent's ship Hull Health is under 60%, Chang increases the Damage of the weapons by 10%. Learn how your comment data is processed. Romulan Grudge - Yuki Sulu increases the Damage against Romulan ships by 25% of the Health of the crew on the ship. Find every single part to build the Jellyfish without spending out hard earned cash. The Riker Maneuver: Increases the damage of the first shots of the ship by 5%(^) for the first round. This crew focuses on maximizing mining speed, adding Four of Eleven to increase cargo size to carry more Parsteel in each mining trip. Bolstered - If the ship is a Battleship, Livis increases its maximum Hull Health by 20%. Grush, Dupont, TPring. Battleship Trainer - Frank Leslie increases the Ship Experience gained on Battleships by 20% each turn. To be honest, it probably got most of its lower scores during the first few months after launch, since there were several bugs and glitches that plagued the game during this period, but most of them are . Fighting Spirit - Increases the Attack of all the Officers on the ship by 10%. Goes up to 50% with maximum Synergy Bonus. Explorer Trainer - Hendorff increases the Ship Experience gained on Explorers by 20%. History Repeats Itself - Marla increases the Repair Speed of the ship by 20%. Watch the World Burn - As long as the enemy ship is Burning, Kumak increases the Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge of the ship by 40%. Exploit Overheat - When the ship is Burning from the opponent, Severus increases the Damage of the ship by 20%. History Repeats Itself - Marla increases the Repair Speed of the ship by 20%. Click For an Officer Guide. Dilithium Hunter - Vel increases the Dilithium rewards for defeating a Hostile by 25%. Quick Victory - Gorkon increases the chances of dealing a Critical Hit by 10% for the first 2 Rounds. Once you reach level 15 you are also able to attack other players stations, so these officers can come in handy to give you an additional boost to your attack fleet. K'bisch will make your Tritanium mining much faster. Goes up to 50% with maximum Synergy Bonus. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This crew focuses on maximizing mining speed, adding Four of Eleven to increase cargo size to carry more Dilithium on each mining trip. The Beast Inside: While the enemy is affected by Burning, every round, increase this ships Damage by X% of Officer Attack, cumulatively, Protective: When defending a TC node, Increase your Armor by X% of your total Health, Learned from the Best: Reduce Jump & Instant Warp costs, Cybernetic Enhancements: When defending a TC node, and when your HHP is lower than 85% of starting value, apply Burning to the enemy each round, Biologist: Increase the Health of All Officers on the ship by 40, No Time To Waste: Increase Warp Speed by 45%, Vigilant: Increase the Defense of All Officers on the ship by 40, Prey Instinct: Increase Hull Health by 11%, Vulcan Hello: Increase the Attack of All officers on the ship by 45. Applied Science - When defending your Station, Carol decreases the Weapon Damage from opponents by 40%. Sadistic: If the opponent has hull breach, Captain Tilly increases mitigation by either 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100% of Health cumulatively. Advanced Mining Elea Makinen increases the mining speed of the ship by 10%, Isogen Mining Elea Makinen increases the rate of Isogen Mining by 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100%, Grade 3 Miner Raphael DuPont increases the rate of G3 Crystal, Gas and Ore Mining by 40%, Adds to the Ships Protected Cargo by 50, 100, 150, 200 or 300%. There are more than 20 officers that you can obtain in STFC, each of which has unique abilities. Pack Rat - Stonn increases the Cargo size of the ship by 20%. The development of our digital tool presents a new phase in our efforts to support ship owners assessing the commercial viability of installing wind-assist solutions on their ships. Plasma Backlash - Every time the opponent is hit by an energy weapon, Arix has a 10% chance of Burning it. Burning Vengeance - Every time the ship gets hit, Mirek has a 20% chance of Burning the opponent's ship for 1 round. Hailing Frequencies Open - When the shield is depleted, Uhura has a 50% chance of delaying the next opponent weapon fire by one Round. Increases to 30% at Rank 5. Click the plus icon to open up more information.The information will be constantly updated as updates come out. Sabotage - For the first round of combat, John Harrison ignores 60% of the opponent's shield. Where PVP is listed under role, the captain and officer abilities only apply against Players. Illogical - While the ship has Morale, Spock restores Shield Health to an amount equal to 25% of the Defense of the Officers on the ship. You'll need Dilithium for upgrading your station, building ships, and researching new technologies. I'm a creative photographer, traveller, astronomer and software engineer with a passion for self-growth and a desire for personal challenge. Check out the whole Surveyors & Miners group below: Remember that your cargo is at risk of being lost in battle if you do not protect it using 'Protected Cargo' officers too. Burning Vengeance - Every time the ship gets hit, Mirek has a 20% chance of Burning the opponent's ship for 1 round. These officers provide bonus XP when they are assigned, so if you are levelling your ship you want these to make levelling as quick as possible. stfc warp range officers. This crew is for you if you don't have any rare or epic mining officers. Kati (pronounced KAH tee) was portrayed in Space Seed by actress Kathy Ahart, in her only acting credit. STFC: Officers that increase cargo size A ship's cargo size, also known as cargo capacity, refers to how many resources the ship can carry at a time. Stonn is a geologist and survivor, whos officer ability, Pack Rat, can increase the ships cargo size by a certain percentage. As captain, Stonn increases the mining rate of Ore by 20%, but when assigned to the bridge as an officer, they increase cargo size by 20%. Preserving the original footprint of a 1970s one-story lake house, homeowners Dan Belman and Randy Korando repurposed antique furniture, vintage collectibles, and architectural salvage to create their three-story. Click For an Officer Guide Information Also check the Battle Tips page for information on PvP / Player vs Player Levels This crew is so effective at mining Dilithium because of the Captain's Ability of Domitia, which increases the Dilithium mining rate. Klingon Pursue - L'Nar increases the Damage against Klingon ships by 25% of the crew's Attack. These officers should help with boosting attack and defence against players. Interceptor Overseer - Koth decreases the time needed to repair the ship by 20% if it is an Interceptor. Defensive Tactics - At the start of combat, Linkasa increases the Armor of the ship by 25% of the total Attack of the crew. Knowledgeable - Increases the Weapon Damage of the ship by 5%. To level up an officer, you have to open their respective menu. Dogs of War - If the ship deals a Critical Hit to the opponent's ship while it has a Hull Breach, Chang has a 30% chance of delaying its next weapon attack by 1 round. The intended purpose of this guide is to provide . Excel Under Pressure - When the ship gets a Hull Breach from the opponent, Qa'ug decreases all the stats of the officers on the opponent's ship by 35%. Blood and Honor - When the ship gets a Hull Breach from the opponent, Qa'ug increases Accuracy by 30%. Strengthener - M'Ral increases the total Attack of all Officers on the ship by 10%. Goes up to 50% with maximum Synergy Bonus. May 18, 2021 Download Star Trek Fleet Command on PC At the moment of writing, there are 132 different Officers that you can recruit in Star Trek Fleet Command, all of which come from the different shows, seasons, and even alternate universes, and that offer their own variety of skills and stats. Reckless - When fighting a ship with a bigger Strength, Decius increases Accuracy, Armor Piercing and Shield Piercing of the ship by 10%. Problem Solver - If the opponent is a Hostile, Gonzales increases the damage of Critical Hits by 5%. In addition to completing the main storyline, players can defeat enemies, explore a vast space world, join alliances, and collect officers. Im not sure why youd use this, unless you were really short on repair speed ups. Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Assignments, Officer Assignments for Gaining Ship XP and Levelling, Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Assignments for Mining, Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Assignments for PVP Combat. : Decrease Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge of all non-Armada opponents by X, The Real Action: Increases Armor Piercing, Shield piercing and Accuracy by X%, I Hope This Works: Increase Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by X%, Get It Together: Increases the Attack of all Officers by X%, Yay, Friends! Hidden Stash - T'Pring increases the protection of The Cargo by 50%. Station Knowledge - 0718 Increases the Critical Hit Chances by 4% when defending the Station. Miracle Worker - Scotty reduces the time needed to repair the ship by 10%. You'll get vast amounts of it raiding other players' stations and completing in-game events. Feel the Heat - At the beginning of each round, if the opponent's ship is Burning. Survey Trainer - Hadley increases Ship Experience gained on Survey ships by 40%. Never Fire First: At the beginning of each round, while the enemy is Burning, reduce the enemys Officer Attack of all officers by X%. Vemet decreases its Shield Health by an amount equal to 20% of the Health of all Officers on the ship. Goes up to 60% at Rank 5. Joachim is a great officer to combine with Khan as captain, as their abilities will help you stay in battle longer, and give you more chances for the critical hits that Khan will give you the longer the battle goes on. This means there are many crews across the expanding stars, and hundreds of officers working, battling, and exploring within them. Station Knowledge - 0718 Increases the Critical Hit Chances by 4% when defending the Station. James T. Kirk. Computer Precision - 0718 increases the Defense of all Officers on the ship by 5%. Keep in mind that you have to assign an officer, in this case, officer 2 of 11, to the ships bridge to activate their captain ability. Captains Maneuver is History Repeats Itself Marla increases the Repair Speed of the ship by 20%. Ranking Fire - When the ship has Morale, Sulu increases the total damage made by Energy Weapons by 15%. Players can find their ships cargo capacity by tapping on the ship on the bottom center and looking at the number next to the cargo size icon, which are 2 blocks next to each other, with 1 block stacked on top. Shady Methods - At the star of the battle, Alexander Marcus increases the Shield Piercing of the ship by 100% of the Defense of the crew on the ship. Ill Protect You! Carnac | September 4, 2020September 4, 2020 | Augments, Officers. Some ships in STFC have a lower cargo size than others, but fortunately, you can assign specific officers to the ships crew to increase its cargo capacity: As is evident in the table, the captain of a resource harvesting ship should be officer 2 of 11, formerly known as Darrohk. Cargo sucks, but you are going to move your G3 mats fast. Sturdy Ship - Increases the Ship Hull Health by 10%. Players at your level are probably not surveying in Parsteel systems looking for miners to attack.. The higher your Augment faction rep is, the more officers will be unlocked. Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Assignments. Energy Boost - If the opponent is a player, Rukor increases the damage made by the Energy Weapons of the ship by 5%. I'm a Doctor, not a - McCoy gives a bonus of 20% to all the Officer Abilities of the Officers on the bridge during combat. This help support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. There are over 26 crews made up from multiple officers, each with their own personality, abilities, and rarities. Shields Refractor - Arkady increases the Shield Health of the ship by 10%. This crew focuses on maximizing mining speed, adding Four of Eleven to increase cargo size to carry more Parsteel in each mining trip. If mobile gaming is your passion and you want to get paid to create guides, youre in the right place. Touch, Tap, Play is looking for experienced writers to produce guides for popular mobile and Nintendo Switch titles. Increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 40% when mining Dilithium. Weapons Expert - Carol increases the Weapon Damage by 20%. Greg Coxs novel, To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh posits that Joaquin had a son on Ceti Alpha V, and that son was Joaquin. Base value: 200%. Thank you for the support!TubeBuddy: I use Tubebuddy to help with my video tags and suggestions for video tags. Owner/Creator Paramount Picturesand/orCBS Studios, READ LATER - DOWNLOAD THIS POST AS PDF >> CLICK HERE <<. Ten of Eleven gets +75% synergy when assigned with Science and Engineering officers to the bridge. Star Trek Fleet Command Officers from the same synergy group will increase the captain's manoeuvre skill. Tritanium Miner - K'Bisch increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 50% when mining Tritanium. Get $5 when you use my invite link: The Next Generation in the episode, Symbiosis, To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh, Star Trek Fleet Command Blueprint Calculator (Updated), Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command. Star Trek Fleet Command: Parsteel Mining Crew (for Beginners and Advanced players), When Cargo of the ship is empty, increases it's Warp speed by, When the ship is mining, K'Bisch reduces the damage dealt by attacking opponents by, Increases the speed of Parsteel, Tritanium and Dilithium Mining by, Increases the Mining Speed of the ship by, Star Trek Fleet Command: Best Parsteel mining crew, Star Trek Fleet Command: How to get the Botany Bay for free (doing missions). If you don't own some of these officers, you can replace these with other rare officers. Snarky Genius: When defending, reduce the enemys Armor Piercing by X%. Shields Refractor - Arkady increases the Shield Health of the ship by 10%. But I cant see this as being better than Marlas ability to increase all of the captains stats, especially with Khan. These crews are good regardless of the ship, although you must consider that some survey ships will perform better than others. Goes up to 40% at Rank 5. These officers are Overpowered ("OP") at Rank 4 & 5 (20-30). It seems like the prime universe Kati is a little showier in her dress than Kelvin universe Kati. This post has 6 comment(s). They are all available through the regular recruitment, premium recruitment and ultra recruitment options. Murder! Evasive Maneuvers - When the shields are depleted during during battle, Kerla increases the Dodge of the ship by 50%. 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This is great for low-level players so that you can secure your Dilithium if you get often attacked by other players. Rhue continued to work in television until 1996, though limited to parts that didnt require her to stand or walk. Prosper When fighting players as long as the ship has Morale, decreases the opponents Critical Hit Damage bonus by 50, 75, 100, 125 or 150%. See the Flaws - Every time the ship strikes the opponent, Nero has a 25% chance of Burning it for two rounds. Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) offers a large complement of officers and abilities which makes it inherently complex. I generally go with Joachim and Kati, but its up to you. On Google Play, STFC has an average user rating of 4.1 stars out of 161k votes at the time of writing this review, which is an average rating. Goes up to 100% with maximum Synergy bonus. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Officer Ability. This is a complete list of all the Star Trek Fleet Command Officers (STFC) which you can use on your ships. Contribution - Every time the ship hits with a weapon, Azetbur increases the Armor Piercing of the ship by 10%. Sturdy Companion - Vella increases the total Health of all Officers on the ship by 5%. So each time youre getting a critical hit because of Khan, the damage from that hit will be bigger and bigger, as you promote Kati. Leader - As long as the ship has Morale, Kirk gives all Officers on the ship a bonus of 40% to all their stats. All officers on stfc officers that increase cargo size bridge need Dilithium for upgrading your station, Kati increases the cargo size by a level! Manoeuvre skill updated as updates come out inherently complex seems like the Prime universe.... 20 officers that you can replace these with other rare officers Riker Maneuver: increases Damage. 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